Simple Clean Wellness

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Health Benefits of Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctors away? Well, Dr. Mercola goes into depth on the health benefits of apples in this article below.

Especially high in vitamin C, apples also provide vitamin A as a powerful antioxidant to help resist infection and scavenge free radicals that cause inflammation. They also contain a significant amount of fiber, which can help prevent absorption of LDL (bad) cholesterol. Apples are a good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamin (vitamin B1), and pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which together release enzyme power to support metabolism and other vital functions inside the body.

Other minerals in apples include iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium, which are important components in helping to control heart rate and blood pressure. All these good things and more explain why apples can legitimately be called a “super food.”

Warning: Apples are one of the most pesticide-contaminated foods in the produce section, so it’s best to buy them organic.

According to Dr. Mercola, eating apples can provide the following health benefits:

·      Reduce the risk the neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease

·      Decrease the risk of a stroke

·      Three servings of apples is linked to a 7% lower the risk of type 2 diabetes

·      Lessen absorption of glucose from your digestive tract

·      Stimulate beta cells in your pancreas to secrete insulin

·      Increase uptake of glucose from your blood by stimulating insulin receptors

·      Reduce the risk of cancer

·      Lower the risk of death from heart disease

When juicing I prefer granny smith apples because it has less sugar. They also have more fiber, higher anti-oxidant levels, more anti-aging and beauty benefits and vitamins than red apples.