Simple Clean Wellness

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How important is it to be flexible?

Flexibility is the degree to which you can rotate, bend and twist a part of your body. Not everyone is flexible but it is important to create movement in order to increase your flexibility. Lack of movement and being sedentary can reduce flexibility. Stretching is very important to loosen your joints and can help facilitate your increase in flexibility. You don’t have to do splits but it’s important to keep your joints flexible. 

Here are the following health benefits flexibility can provide: 

·     Lessens the effort in carrying out physical tasks, such as lifting a package or bending to pick up something. 

·     Fosters good balance, which aids mobility and reduces the risk of falling. 

·     Reduces bodily and psychic tension (emotional strain) resulting from stress. 

·     Lessens the risk of lower back pain. 

·     Reduces exercise-associated soreness. 

·     Improves blood flow to muscles. 

·     Lessens the risk of activity-related injuries.