Simple Clean Wellness

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Can exercise really be the answer to anti-aging? 

You’ve heard that all of these creams and concoctions can help you look younger but exercise can also be the answer to add for your anti-aging regime.  

Exercise makes your skin soft and glows and can slow cells from aging. It also helps detoxifies your body. You will also feel good physically. Besides looking and feeling younger, there are other great benefits for your health.  

Cardio improves your heart and brain health. Weight-bearing exercise such as yoga, tai-chi, pilates etc. can increase bone density, improve balance and mind-body well-being. Strength training can improve muscle mass and balance your glucose levels. Stretching can prevent injuries.   

There is no particular exercise that is better than the other. Just as long as you are engaging in physical activity and not living a sedentary lifestyle is essential. Health issues, such as chronic illnesses and inflammation may arise by living a sedentary lifestyle. 

Make an effort to be more physically active. You will reap the health benefits from the inside and out!