Simple Clean Wellness

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5 Tips for Getting into Shape 

When you undertake a program to increase aerobic conditioning make sure you are following these guidelines:  

1.    Frequency: Exercise 3-5 times a week.

2.    Intensity: Exercise within 60%-80% of your exercise target heart rate.

3.    Time: Exercise within your exercise target heart rate for 20-60 minutes each time.

4.    Type of exercise: Appropriate exercises are rhythmic and continuous and use the large muscles of the legs and hips. Such exercises include walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming, and dancing. 

5.    Warm-up and cool-down: It is optimal to raise the body’s core temperature about 1-3 degrees Fahrenheit by doing the warm-up and stretching activities before the aerobic workout out. After the aerobic workout, you should slow your heart rate and cool down for 30-60 minutes. Optimal time to stretch is when the muscles are warmed, such as after your cardio exercise.