Homemade Facial Rose Mask Recipe for Hyperpigmentation and Acne Scars


Facial Rose Mask for Hyperpigmentation 



6-10 dried roses (dried over a month) 

1 garlic clove, grated

1/3 cup of honey 

1 cup of all-purpose flour 




1.     Manually crush the rose petals into a bowl into tiny pieces using your hands.  

2.     Now add the flour and the grated garlic. Mix thoroughly with your hands. 

3.     Add the honey and continue mixing. If you need more honey then add more. If the consistency of your mask is too dry then add some water. 

4.     Store in the refrigerator. It should last for about 2 weeks. It will last longer if you add a lot of honey. 

5.     When you use the mask, wash your face first then apply your rose mask. Wear your rose mask for 20 minute and then rinse off.


SkincareY.facial masks