Simple Clean Wellness

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Once upon a time I was a vegan but it was slowly killing me.

I saw that all of these celebrities were becoming vegan and I became intrigued. I had already been on my holistic doctor’s diet program and he told me that being vegetarian was ideal.  I’d figured, why not. So I became a vegan.

The first week of being a vegan my skin was glowing and I was feeling so great inside. It was amazing to “healthy” almost immediately.  After the first week, I noticed that my skin was breaking out. I didn’t understand why. I was eating fruits vegetables and nuts. Next thing you know I had eczema! I had no idea what was happening to my body! I kept having my low-grade fevers and my stiffness in my body reappeared after I was in remission from my polyarthritis. I was feeling like crap! I did some research and found that nightshades may not be beneficial to anyone that has polyarthritis. Once I read this, I began to get rid of the nightshades from my diet. Immediately, I was feeling great again. My skin started clearing up and my eczema episode calmed down. It was at this point when I realized that being a vegan not only slowly killed me but also saved me. Even though I was on my holistic doctor’s diet program, he did not advise me to get rid of nightshades.  After a few months of still being a nightshade free vegan, I decided to incorporate my holistic doctor’s diet once again (without the nightshades, of course). Being on a nightshade vegan diet was so difficult! I also realized that nuts caused my flare-ups. So I gave veganism a chance, but if you’re living with polyarthritis or any other form of arthritis, it may not be the best for you. I created my own eating plan that works for me and I'm feeling great!