Signs and symptoms of a non-functioning liver

The liver is very important organ because it helps detoxifies our body. It is important to maintain your liver healthy along with the rest of your organs.  

Here are signs and symptoms when your liver is not working properly: 

·      Nausea, bloating, gas

·      Acid reflux, heartburn

·      Constipation

·      Yellowish eyes or skin 

·      Dark urine 

·      Painful liver 

·      Itching skin 

·      Chronic fatigue

·      Poor appetite or inability to lose weight

·      Anxiety

·      Depression 

·      Moodiness

·      High blood pressure

·      Acne, rosacea

·      PMS

·      Stiffness or weakness of muscles

·      Pains in the sides or lower back

·      Eye problems

·      Uncontrolled or repressed anger

·      Not being able to see ahead or plan ahead

·      Being inflexible and stuck

·      Irritable, frustrated or rashly impulsive 

If you have any of these symptoms above, please consult your physician before it leads to any complications. 




