What are cruciferous vegetables?

Cruciferous vegetables are nutrient dense and have a high concentration of vitamins. They are rich in folate, fiber, vitamin C, K and E. Cruciferous vegetables also have many health benefits. 

Cruciferous vegetables can potentially:

·       Prevent cancer 

·       Improve your eyesight

·       Reduce allergy inflammation

·       Manage diabetes

·       Protect your brain from neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease 

·       Balance estrogen levels

·       Promote weight loss

Here is a list of cruciferous vegetables: 

·      Arugula

·      Bok choy

·      Broccoli

·      Brussel sprouts

·      Cabbage

·      Cauliflower

·      Collard greens

·      Horseradish

·      Kale (black, green, red)

·      Mustard greens

·      Radishes

·      Turnip greens

·      Watercress 
