Health Benefits of Butternut Squash 

Butternut Squash is a fruit but commonly prepared as a vegetable. It is commonly used in sweet and savory dishes such as hearty soups, especially in the winter time. Besides tasting delicious, it has numerous health benefits. 

Butternut squash is rich in vitamin and minerals. Butternut squash is rich in vitamin A, C and E. Butternut squash is also rich in B vitamins, magnesium, potassium and manganese. Its high potassium content helps promote bone health and prevent osteoporosis. 

Butternut squash can help prevent and lower high blood pressure. Butternut squash promotes digestive health, boosts the immunity, reduces inflammation and prevent asthma. 

Due to butternut squash high antioxidant content of vitamin A, it helps promote eye health. It also promotes fetal growth and development and skin and hair health. 
