New Laws in 2024 for Women’s Health in New York and New Jersey

I want to share some of the new health and wellness laws in 2024 in New York and New Jersey that will affect women.

As many may be aware, the elected officials in the United States overturned Roe v Wade ending the right to abortion for women. This has complicated women’s health to the point where a woman’s death is knocking at the door and some states are criminalizing women for having a miscarriage that is out of their control. I always encourage everyone to vote when it’s election time because our elected officials help create our laws that affects our lives, including our health and wellness.

Here are some of the amazing new health and wellness laws that you should be aware of:

New York:

Governor Hochul signed a law that requires menstrual products to be provided to students for free in private middle and high school student restrooms. In case  you were wondering, in 2016 New York City Council approved free tampons and pads in schools, prisons and shelters.

New Jersey:

Governor Murphy signed a law allowing New Jersey pharmacists to dispense self-administered hormonal contraceptives to patients without requiring a prescription.

Governor Murphy also signed a law that school districts must provide menstrual products free of charge in every public school teaching students in one or more of grades 6-12. Period poverty is a real thing. 1 in 4 students struggle to afford period products and 86% of women who menstruate have started their periods unexpectedly in public.

Another law that Governor Murphy signed expands insurance coverage requirements for infertility care, including making these services accessible for LGBTQ+ couples. Reproductive freedom means ensuring high costs aren’t a barrier to parenthood.

Governor Murphy also signed a law for to ensure every mother has a right to a doula in a hospital or birth center. Evidence shows that doulas help reduce birth complications and there is also a lower C-section rate while simultaneously providing support and improving mental health to all mothers.

Lastly, Governor Murphy signed a law that New Jersey public school students in grades 8-12 will receive lessons on the physical, emotional and behavioral signs of grief and coping mechanisms for handling loss.

New York and New Jersey are the leaders in the United States on improving health and wellness laws but there is still a lot more that can be done. The rest of the United States and the rest of the world should also do more.

I encourage everyone reading this to vote for their elected officials and to also call them to voice your concern about the lack of health and wellness laws worldwide. Pay attention to your current elected officials and what they are not doing for your health and wellness. Healthcare is a right not a privilege. Let’s change the world one vote at a time.
