What You Should Know About Chronic Dehydration

Chronic dehydration can cause many health problems in the body such as stomach ulcers, poor skin, constipation, muscle pains, cramps and tightness, joint stiffness, backache, indigestions and heartburn. It can also cause asthma, depression, chronic fatigue, water retention, angina and high blood pressure, low energy and fatigue. It also causes chronic inflammation of all kinds, dementia and cancer. 

Chronically dehydrated people become less aware of thirst because the body gives up telling us it needs water. There are other signs that you need to drink more water such as observing the color of your urine. When you are drinking enough water, the urine is a very light straw color, like a weak lemonade. Anything darker than that then you are not drinking enough water. If your urine is very dark every morning then you are dehydrated. Other signs of acute dehydration include: 

·     Dry mouth

·     Being sleepy or tired (lack of energy)

·     Dry skin 

·     Headaches

·     Dizziness

·     Weakness in muscles 

Serious dehydration is an immediately life-threatening situation. Signs of severe dehydration include the symptoms above and also the following: 

·     Sunken eyes 

·     Shriveled and dry skin 

·     Fever 

·     Rapid breathing

·     Fast heartbeat

·     Delirium

·     Unconsciousness 

·     Lack of sweating 


