Aromatherapy and Flower Essences for Brain Health

The power of scent has a profound effect on our brain and mood. Here are some flower essences for our brain function and support:  

·     Peppermint essential oil or flower essence: uplifting and invigorating; increases memory, alertness and mood

·     Rosemary essential oil or flower essence: invigorating, improves memory and rejuvenates the brain

·     Lavender essential oil and flower essence: promotes a calm spirit, improves sleep and reduces anxiety, agitation and headaches

·     Cosmos flower essence: improves focus, attention and the integration of information

·     Celandine flower essence: improves your ability to give and receive information 

·     Calendula flower essence: helps you choose your words better, improves compassionate communication

·     Dill flower essence: helps with sensory integration to decrease overstimulation 

